San Diego’s Balboa Park is Tartarian

While I lived in San Diego I visited Balboa Park many times as it was full of amazing architecture. However, I was unaware of the Great Tartary which has been systematically erased from our history, but obviously not all the buildings. I watched this video and it all made so much sense.

This shows the Tartarian Architecture. Plenty of the free energy buildings everywhere and most of them were torn down. Just more of our hidden history.

To fully understand real history and or semblance of it, you can look at past the present buildings. Today’s architecture is quite blah and unappealing while the building that have been torn down were fabulous. It is clearly a way they are trying to hide history, and an obvious benevolent free energy society like the Great Tartaria. Once you open your eyes, it is blatantly obvious. But as I lived in San Diego my mind was blind so my eyes didn’t realize what I was looking at.

It is clear we have been going backwards for a very long time!
Who destroyed these incredible buildings supposedly built with horse and buggy? One quickly realizes something is completely amiss.

Balboa California tower which still stands. This is clearly a Tartarian building designed to produce free energy. Notice the spaces for the Toroidial generator? When was it built? My guess is it was a few hundred years ago as their are no construction photos.

Notice the spire atop? It has been replaced by a cross but that looks like something to collect the energy from the aether. This picture from 1915 does not define exactly when this was built as it could be a few hundred years old. We can only speculate when it was built.

This is the building that they say was reconstructed in 1996. So was it? This building currently holds the Mingei museum.

It is the same building as I don’t know what they actually did to the building. Did they take out the bells which were used for healing tones? We know they destroyed the bells all over the world as they were for peoples health and the secret society sewage that runs the world can’t have that! So this building is from 1915. We simply do not know when these building were built. One thing is for sure, they look like Tartarian Buildings.

So this is the county buiilding in 1915 which has 2 free energy locations. Obviously a structure build with horse and buggy right? Obviously this was in the Tartarian mold so it was destroyed many moons ago. Must have been too functional or something. When was this built? Your guess is as good as mine.

So this agusto building I cannot find old photos of, but the detail is incredible. from it’s design is doesn’t look like a building that produces energy and that may be the very reason it is still standing. It appears to me that buildings that produced free energy from the aether were targeted, or like your cathedrals repurposed as churches.

Now look at these fabulous buildings. All the articles talk about these buildings being temporary from the world’s fair. Yet they are build of stone and still standing today. They are solid building made of stone as you do not build building out of stone to be temporary, but to last for thousands of years. And these are just that. The world’s fairs appear to be ruses just past the reset in the 1800’s where these fairs were designed to LIE about the past so they could destroy Tartarian history as they were trying to erase it’s history and many of it’s buildings. But they obviously did not get them all as it is these old building that stand out.

This was Utah state building for the fair 1915. Does it not seem there is a large door entrance for Giants? It appears it has the spires for free energy also. That is not temporary. However, it was torn down which makes absolutely no sense unless they wanted to hide this building.

This is the pavilion with the incredible pipe organ. Concerts are played here all the time as it used constantly. So when was this actually built? Clearly built by horse and buggy right? They say San Diego had a population of 40K in 1915 and all these building were built with the limited manpower they had. Yeah right! None of this adds up in the least!

Here is the pavillion in 1915 supposedly. According to the populationg figures they tell us, it appears that is about 5% of San Diego’s population at the time. The building doe not look like it’s brand new so when was this built? Could this be 500 years old? It is not a temporary building so all these buildings could be. You build buildings out of stone to last.

Doesn’t this make you mad too?

Have we gone backwards or what?

These archways had rods sticking into the ground for a reason. You see these all over the world. They are clearly not being used for what they have been designed for.

Chicago’s Worlds fair in 1893. Temporary structures? No, these were Tartarian Structures and these fairs were to destroy it.

Are you mad yet? 1893 horse and buggy right? According to maps Chicago (Chilaga) was a developed city in 1605, so this was probably there then and it was part of Tartaria. America was not discovered in 1492 in the least. It appears the takeover of what is now called America started in 1776 which is 1 year after according to Russian historian Fomenko Tartaria was defeated by the Tzar in a war from 1771-1775. Most likely America was a satellite country of the Great Tartary so it was to be overthrown in the 1800’s.

So the luciferian free mason’s were still in process of overthrowing Tartaria in 1865 and obviously they control all the governments today. You can see that with them all being in lockstep with the scamdemic we just went thru. Obviously the useful idiot free mason’s are serious!

History has been completely rewritten and all of it falsified. It is clear Tartarian’s like Hitler were way too nice of a people.

Here is a movie with John Wayne in it from the 1950’s talking about the Roman armies invading Tartary. It is clear Tartary existed as you can try to erase it’s history, but the details if you search for it prove it existed. Tartar sauce anyone?

Moscovites were Tartarian and the incredible architecture of Red Square is pure Tartarian. It is so obvious!

Tartarian Free energy buildings everywhere! How old are these buildings? 500 years old? 1000 years old? We don’t build these currently I assure you.

Free mason’s are in essence complicit in communism which has the obviously pernicious parasite background of the satanic zionists. Satan’s chosen run them all and have been doing it for a long time!

Map from 1771 which also coincides with the start of the war against the Great Tartaria. To deny it’s existence is simply absurd. To believe any history you have been taught is also absurd.

Like everything, San Diego’s Balboa Park was I believe Tartarian at one point. That history has been erased, but plenty of building remain to confirm my suspicions. To believe any of the absurd puppet show today is just ignorance as good people’s pride stops them from researching the truth, and the masses are simply destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. The truth will set you free, but first it will really piss you off!

Here is an additional vid followup to the first one.

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