Plato’s Cave book review- True reality of our inverted world!

This truly is where most of humanity lives.  While it is just a chapter of Plato’s Republic that was written 2400 years, it is extremely profound if you are seeking truth.  Socrates describes what it takes to raise up a proper ruler and he even states it would be extremely hard, but certainly worthwhile for any city to do.  Unfortunately today we have the opposite of those who are rulers today who are narcissistic programmed retarded mental invalids and why we have such an upside down world.  It really will help someone figure out the inversion of reality we are currently in, that is if a person’s pride let’s them read it.  Socrates training system would keep a person’s pride in check, and train a benevolent leader for the city.  Much different than an incompetent selected barmaid who babbles nonsense like AOC.  A proper ruler should be steeped in Philosophy which is the art of teaching someone how to think, which is the complete opposite of our current public brain damaging centers falsely called schools who brainwash people into what to think which are all LIES.  The scenarios presented here are all very real and being played out every day in front of our eyes. A realization of how the inversion has manifested itself is contained within and related to our present day situation and to what the bible says.  I fight Plato’s Cave every day and I do it with simple Truth.  If you care about justice you will too, but if you don’t understand the basis of what Plato’s Cave is, you will not be as effective because if you really don’t understand what Plato’s Cave describes, you are still in Plato’s Cave.

If you truly exit Plato’s Cave, prepare to personally attacked. You will no longer be accepted by those who still live there. But I assure you will never want to go back into the dark as your soul will see the light.

If you beLIEve you are not brainwashed, you are brainwashed.  If you KNOW you can be brainwashed, you can at least fight it. Since everything that has been programmed into the masses is a LIE, it doesn’t matter what truth I write or say it has the potential of triggering the programmed LIES. It is the programming which manifests itself into pride that stops people from looking at information so this is exactly why God says in the bible that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. In Plato’s Cave the escaped prisoner from the Cave who tries to warn the other prisoners because he cares about them, is attacked relentlessly just like Jesus was attacked by the jews of his day for telling the truth about the LIARS.  Nothing has changed as the masses simply live in Plato’s Cave, a parable explained by Socrates that is the simple truth!

If you refuse to look at information provided by benevolent people like Socrates, your soul will continue to be in the dark. If you know nothing about the satanic Talmud, then you clearly exist in Plato’s Cave.

My book review will be different excerpts from the book and then I will explain how It relates to current times.  As illustrated in the bible in Isaiah 5:20-21, the whole world is upside down which is exactly how satan controls the world.  Socrates explained this brilliantly in this parable which is just as relevant today as it was when it was written 2400 years ago and before Jesus.  So I will put different paragraphs of the Cave in here and then explain how I see it relating to our world today.

I obviously post this frequently since it is so true. Plato’s cave is where the masses live which is inverted from reality. So understanding what the Cave is will make with sustained thought an complete understanding of this passage in the bible.

“Next I said, compare the effect of education and of the lack of it on our nature to an experience  like this: Imagine Human beings living in an underground, cave like dwelling, with an entrance a long way up, which is both open to the light and as wide as the cave itself.  They’ve been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bonds prevent them from turning their heads around.  Light is provided by a fire burning far above and behind them.  Also behind them, but on higher ground, there is a path stretching between them and the fire.  Imagine along this path a low wall has been built, like the screen in front of puppeteers above which they show their puppets.”

This is the conditions of the prisoners which is really the conditions of your typical American today if they actually beLIEve anything the government says or does.  Colostomy bag Biden is only possible if this scenario is actually real as the Cave wall really is no different than your current big screen TV.  All msm is just nonsense nowadays but the masses will go on regurgitating what they see on this monstrosity.  Overhearing your typical conversation of an American is merely them regurgitating what they see on the Cave wall.  I overheard people talking about space and NASA which is all just nonsense.  We have never been to space since it doesn’t exist, but the masses eat this stuff up. Obviously our schools are nothing but public indoctrination centers nowadays doing their best to produce good unthinking robots who are good docile slaves.  They do not want actual thinkers, just good workers.  You are a slave Neo!

Programmed opinions are nonsense. A person must question their own beliefs to exit the cave for the truth. A failure to do so is in reality a life of despair.

“Then the prisoners would in every way believe that the truth is nothing other than the shadows  of those artifacts (carried by the puppeteers).”

So the masses are programmed to believe LIES and literally get mad at the truth which they do.  When someone tries to tell the prisoners the truth this will obviously disagree with what they are programmed with.  Since all common knowledge is a LIE, just take your pick at which truth will trigger their programming which is called the ego which is also pride. If they have never questioned their own beliefs before triggering them will be very easy, and it is very true the masses are simply intellectually incapable of questioning their own beliefs which makes it even worse. You will simply never wake up the masses as it is literally impossible.

Socrates wants to help the prisoners escape from the Cave and lead a better life. The masses simply need help to do this, but they must be informed of the deception to exit, and that is why a good benevolent ruler is necessary.

“And if someone dragged him away from there by force, up the rough steep path, and didn’t let him go until he had dragged him into the sunlight, wouldn’t he be pained and irritated at being treated that way? And when he came into the light, with the sun filing his eyes, wouldn’t he be unable to see a single one of the things now said to be true?”

The reality is you cannot force someone to come out of the cave as they will kick and scream because you are challenging their reality.  However if you do not use a little force in your tactics where you always run the invariable risk that they will get upset with you, you will not be doing anything.  Getting someone to come out of the cave you have to jab their mind with truth.  Maybe sometimes you back off a little when they get too upset, but if you truly care about that person he keep pushing forward.  Getting attacked unfortunately is part of the process which is hard for someone like me who has always avoided confrontation.  What is frankly thrilling for me is the challenge this whole process entails. I have taken a ton of hits in my day but I know never to back down, because if I do I have lost and I don’t like losing. 

This is a good analogy of telling the truth to someone and how they will fight you for it. They Live is simply a documentary.

“And at this point he would infer and conclude that the sun provides the seasons and the years, governs everything in the visible world, and is in some way the cause of all the thing that he used to see.”

Once you understand the sun is local not 93 million miles away as free mason NASA says, you can see that the sun circles the FLAT earth but does a large circle for December and a small circle in June.  This is exactly how you get the seasons.  It makes complete logical sense as the sun is a literal clock for the earth.  The sun creates the wood they burned to produce the shadows on the wall as all living things in some way need the sun to exist.  When you understand our DNA to heal needs vitamin D which is just us getting a sun tan, you can figure out why they are trying to block the sun with chem trails.  The satanic pedophiles who run the world are doing this to try and kill us. 

FLAT earth is extremely obvious as the absurdities of globbery is immense. 93 million miles away for the sun is just ludicrous. But if you do not question your programming or say it doesn’t matter, it is your pride getting in the way of the truth.

“What about when he reminds himself of his first dwelling place, his fellow prisoners, and what passed for wisdom there?  Don’t you think that he’d count himself happy for the change and pity the others?”

Obviously the masses live in Plato’s Cave and once someone exits the Cave they understand the freedom they have attained and clearly wish for others to exit it also.  The initial reaction like I had as this will be easy!  I will just go back into the Cave and alert everyone else and they will be happy I helped them.  I assure you I was very naïve right away as I completely taken aback by the mind control and how strong it is.  As we will see this is explained in further detail later in the book.

For people that think it behooves them to try and get other people to think. Unfortunately the masses would rather die than think an get very upset when you try to make them think. This will never change!

“Consider this too. If this man went down into the cave again and sat down in his same seat, wouldn’t his eyes – coming suddenly out of the sun like that – be filled with darkness?”

Once you wake up you realize just how stupid you were.  How easily duped you were before as you could not comprehend simple FACTS and believed the complete puppet show.  It is literally all completely absurd and that means everything you believed was programmed into you thru repetition.  You cannot go back to being asleep even if you wanted too. From here on out you will be living in a much different reality than the masses as their reality is just a complete illusion created by satan himself to keep you away from God. 

The masses live a life of illusion as nothing they believe is real. They look downwards are are controlled by their ego and get mad when you tell them obvious truths. The light will blind them especially initially, but if you care about your fellow man, you will fight for them even after they attack you.

“And before his eyes recovered – and the adjustment would not be quick – while his vision was still dim, if he had to compete again with the perpetual prisoners in recognizing the shadows, wouldn’t he invite ridicule? Wouldn’t it be said of him that he’d returned from his upward journey with his eyesight ruined and that it isn’t worthwhile even to try to travel upward?  And, as for anyone who tried to free them and lead them upward, if they could somehow get their hands on him, wouldn’t they kill him?”

Ah yes.  From speaking about poison vaccines to the earth being obviously FLAT as the bible says, I have had my life threatened many many times.  I am attacked repeatedly and often, and the amount of times I have been called retarded is most certainly a world record.  Nobody and I mean nobody wants the truth, as they only want their LIES they have been programmed with confirmed.  Speaking to supposed Christians about those who call themselves joos, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan it one of the biggest truths that satan doesn’t want you to talk about.  Even though the pernicious parasites run everything especially the media which controls the minds of the masses.  Since everything is a LIE, any truth will trigger the cave dwellers.  Just because you know one thing is a LIE does not prepare oneself for everything being a LIE.  It is because the human ego which is the sub conscious minds programming has been wholly compromised by the satanic pedophiles who run the world and want to control the masses, which they do this by programming thru repetition.  If you haven’t had anyone wanting to kill you yet, you are simply not telling enough truth!

If you are striving to be popular in today’s world, speaking truth will not be to your benefit. Someone who seeks truth will not be someone who doesn’t understand the repercussions of being bold and telling the truth as they are not seeking to win a popularity contest which only feels the narcissistic ego.

“Then education is the craft concerned with doing this very thing, this turning around, and with how the soul can most easily and effectively be made into it. It isn’t the craft  of putting sight into the soul.  Education takes for granted that sight is there but that it isn’t turned the right way or looking where it ought to look, and it tries to redirect it appropriately.”

Now I do not know how the education system was 2400 years ago when this was written, but our current education system has been completely taken over by satan to brainwash people into being good slaves, teaching them what LIE to believe instead of how to actually think.  Socrates is clearly taking the stance of doing what is right for the individual with honor while currently education is merely for public indoctrination of LIES benefitting the nephilian or fallen angels who are running the whole world from behind the scenes.  Their goal is obviously to keep people locked into Plato’s Cave for their whole life living a complete illusion.  This way they keep people turned the WRONG way so the prisoners get mad at people like me who have exited the cave.

This has not changed has it? Only a proper upbringing can help people exit the Cave, and one must be willing to have their beliefs challenged.

“You are forgetting again that it isn’t the law’s concern to make any one class in the city outstandingly happy but to convince to spread happiness throughout the city by bringing the citizens into harmony with each other through persuasion or compulsion and by making them share with each other the benefits that each class can confer on the community. The law produces such people in the city, not in order to allow them to turn in whatever directions they want, but to make use of them to bind the city together.”

Obviously in our current world the tyrannical rulers today due the complete opposite of this by controlling the masses by strive and division.  The biggest division they are pushing today is race because of their jealousy.  The White Race which I am is under attack all over the world due to the jealousy by those who call themselves joos.  It is just another aspect of the inversion of reality we are in as we live in the perverse inversion of what Plato’s Republic was trying to state, and the most divisive country is America who is being used to install central banks around the world to enslave humanity.  Guns like everything else need to be pointed into the direction of those giving the orders who are printing money out of thin air backed by nothing.  The synagogue of satan ItsaHELL is losing tremendous support nowadays as it should since they are the terrorists too the world which is finally being recognized enmasse.  The jooish supremacists are finally losing the narrative which they should have lost many ages ago.  The satanic zionist/Bolshevik sub human beasts end is near as it should be.  They are desperately trying to implement their control digital monetary system which is failing.  The pernicious parasites are not philosophers nor are they smart like Socrates in the least, but merely egotistical RETARDS.

The biggest wall of all is your own ego or the programming you have been subjected to your whole life. It is why introspection is the first step to the enlightenment of your soul. Without this first step you will go nowhere. It is your own wall that is the hardest to climb.

“And because you’ve seen the truth about fine, just, and good things, you know each image for what it is and also that of which it is the image. Thus, for you and for us, the city will be governed , not like the majority of cities nowadays, by people who fight over shadows and struggle against one another in order to rule – as if that were a great good – but by people who are awake rather than dreaming, for the truth is surely this: A city whose prospective rulers are at least eager to rule must of necessity be most free from civil war, whereas a city with the opposite kind of rules is governed in the opposite way.”

Basically Socrates is stating that he realizes that the masses are not going to wake up because they cannot, but it is those that are awake with goodness who should help guide them.  What in essence he tells us here is that those who want to rule should not because they are scum and selfish, and those who don’t want to rule others are the ones who should rule others since they will rule for the good of all.  In today’s world we see the disgusting LIES and chutzpah of those who are doing the ruling and they are all despicable selfish narcissists who should be relegated to the gutter where they all belong.  If someone is a conspiracy theorist who believes the corrupt government at this point, they are completely locked into the cave.  An example of a good portion of the masses is your typical catatonic lefty who has little to no chance of escaping the cave due to comatose status.  A benevolent ruler would consider this and guide them to at least have a more pleasant life.  The tyrannical rulers of today are using lefties as their useful idiots and abusing the hell out of them.  Like everything else, it is all completely inverted as HELL!

The inversion is very much illustrated by what Jesus says here. The narcissist will have done no introspection and blame you for exactly what they themselves are guilty. This is a constant in our inverted world. Projection is obviously satan’s favorite tactic.

“This is how it is. If you can find a way of life that’s better than ruling for the prospective rulers, your well-governed city will become a possibility, for only in it will be the truly rich rule – not those who are rich in gold, but those who are rich in the wealth that the happy must have, namely, a good and rational life.  But if beggars hungry for private goods go into public life, thinking that the good is there for the seizing, then the well-governed city is impossible, for then ruling is something fought over, and the civil and domestic war destroys these people and the rest of the city as well.”

With narcissistic politicians getting financially wealthly all the time, it is obvious we have the wrong type of rulers today.  Our inferiors are literally ruling over a complete mess nowadays and in today’s world they clearly call themselves jews.  The whole lot of this parasitical race is money grubbing losers who have only their own selfish interests they promote, not the welfare of the people in the least, and mainly at the expense of White People who in a just world would rule.  We are literally in a world where the dumbest race is ruling over humanity thru a criminal financial system of injustice.  Those who call themselves joos have a massive inferiority complex and are completely devoid of culture unless being LIARS, murderers and thieves is a culture. 

You obviously cannot call yourself a Christian and support the genocide of innocent Palestinian women and children which is being done by the synagogue of satan ItsaHELL currently. All these narcissistic politicians are getting all the money printed out of thin air backed by nothing to support the Racist supremacists. Unfortunately this weasel tribe has inflitrated everything and controls the propaganda media so they control the minds of men keeping them in the cave. The egotistical RETARDS have been a problem for all of humanity for a long time, and many men have pointed them out. This is why you need a philosophical ruler who can combat the pernicious parasites.

“Can you name any life that despise political rule besides that of a philosopher?”

I obviously despise the tyrannical rulers we have today and I do call myself an open minded liberal philosopher.  I am very consistent for sure!  I recognize all FACTS to the detriment of the hook nosed mental invalids!

A real philosopher is one who does not want to rule over other people as their ego is in check thru sustained thinking. It is quite clear we do not have any philosophers ruling us today, but the complete narcissistic opposite.

“This isn’t, it seems, a matter of tossing a coin, but of turning a soul from a day that is a kind of night to the true day – the ascent to what is, which we say is true philosophy.”

Many philosophers before me have echoed the same thing in that the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation (Thoreau).  The true thinkers of the world recognize the masses simply do not have intelligence and cannot think.  Thus, no matter what, they are going to be manipulated by either someone who is just or someone who is evil.  A true philosopher is for justice and benevolence as the more intelligent a person is the least likely one is to do harm.  The lack of intelligence as exhibited by a significant portion of Black people is simply due to their intellectual deficiencies so they are easily manipulated by their slave masters the pernicious parasitical sewer joos. They are being programmed to be extremely RACIST towards White People at the behest of the aforementioned extremely jealous faulty inbreds. People simply should be ruled by people such as me who have no desire to rule over people.  Reminds me of the scene in Gladiator where Marcus Aurelius asks Maximus to be the upcoming ruler since he knew in his heart he would be just and his son would not be.  Of course his son murders his father so he would become the ruler proving he should not rule.  A fine example of the mess we are in today!

The psychology of today is in technical terms the exact opposite of philosophy. I know for a FACT they program people the exact opposite of what the ego actually is, and people regurgitate it all the time. Thing’s like Jung’s ego death which is total nonsense as you cannot get rid of your own ego as you would have to have your sub conscious mind extracted to do this which would make you die. So to really figure out the ego and how it works thru practical experience, it would behoove someone to have never read anything on the ego because that will taint your perspective.

“Now, calculation and arithmetic are wholly concerned with numbers. Then evidently they lead us towards truth. Then they belong, it seems, to the subjects we’re seeking. They are compulsory for warriors because of their orderly ranks and for philosophers because they have to learn to rise up out of becoming and grasp being, if they are ever to become rational.”

There is a reason why the public brain damaging centers are trying to destroy math with such nonsense as common core.  They simply do not want the masses to become rational as then they will throw the tyrannical rulers out.  Math is rationality and if you cannot do math your reasoning will suffer immensely.  The hallmark of the Brave New World is the ignorance of simple FACTS that math and it’s rational application transfers onto other pursuits of truth.  Being someone who always scored in the 99% of math it proves my logic is in fact very very good.  It is most assuredly one of the factors that helped me exit Plato’s Cave.  Children should all be home schooled and they should all be doing a ton of math.  This will be a life long benefit in teaching them how to think.

Sending any child to public schools today is simply child abuse. The whole system needs to be blown to smithereens!

“And what about those who are naturally good at calculation or reasoning? Have you already noticed that they’re naturally sharp, so to speak, in all subjects, and that those who are slow at it, if they are educated and exercised in it, even if they’re benefitted in no other way, nonetheless improve and become generally sharper than they were?”

The soul to achieve consciousness must be rational, and math helps one become rational instead of emotional.  Thus the more math is mastered whether it by being natural or with considerable effort is always beneficial to ones awakening.  To understand the higher forms one must perform sustained thinking on the subject, and if a person lacks rationality they will be unable to perform this.  Thus, the most important subject a child can work on is math.  Too much memorization will denude a person’s mind ability to think and this most be avoided for a proper education, as too much memorization is really just indoctrination.

Your introspection requires logic which math skills will help you achieve. Without logic it would even be impossible to perform self introspection. Thus math skills are very important for seeking truth and for the enlightenment of your soul.

‘As (Astronomy) is practiced today by those who teach philosophy, it makes the soul look very much downward.”

Socrates is talking about the proper studies of those that should be rulers to find out the truth so they can guide the rest of the lost souls to a proper existence even if they are still locked into Plato’s Cave.  Mathematics which teaches logic, geometry, and astronomy should be required subjects for them as you can only attain the truth by having logic which these subjects if taught properly will do.  Obviously, the controllers of our current world do not teach these properly and this is why the masses look downward all the time.  They do this for control purposes as they are constantly brainwashing people into what to think, but not to think.  The last thing they want is for people to understand the masses are controlled by a fraudulent criminal banking system that only serves the satanic parasitical pedophile few which we know today as those who call themselves joos, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan.  Socrates is giving proper instructions on how to rise up rulers who have the knowledge to understand the seasons and how the sun moves in a circle around God’s created FLAT earth.  Now Socrates never specifically states the earth is FLAT, but this subject which makes logical sense must be taught to any individual who seeks truth.  We currently have the farcical glob being taught where people are brainwashed with the absurdity that we are a spinning spheret thru space at 1000 mph with no wind.  If they can make you beLIEve this absurdity, they can control you and get you to inject a poison clot shot for profit and your early demise.  Everything they do is logical, and  to get you to go along with their nefarious actions, they must denude the masses logic so they cannot figure it out.  Once you have proper logic which these subjects Socrates is pushing, they cannot dupe you into beLIEving their nonsense.  Their LIES like the scamdemic or anything else coming from out corrupt media falls like a rope of sand.  Just as a catatonic lefties programming is based purely on HATE, they are simply unable to look up since their head is locked into a downward position. As is obvious to most by now, lefties are programmed to be useful idiots.

Obviously no child should ever be around a repuslive cultural swine child mutilating lefty.!

“It’s like this. We should consider the decorations in the sky to be the most beautiful and most exact of visible thing, seeing that they’re embroidered on a visible surface. But we should consider their motions to fall far short of the true ones – motions that are really fast or slow as measured in true numbers, that trace out true geometrical figures, that are all in relation to one another, and that are the true motions of the things carried along with them. And these, of course, must be grasped by reason and thought, bit by sight. Or do you think otherwise?”

Socrates is stating here that if we are to be enlightened of our soul, we must think of who we are and what our environment is.  It is the first premise that really must be pondered if we are seeking truth in anything.  If you start from a false premise here, everything you beLIEve will be false also.  The basis of understanding God requires reason while Satan wants you to have blink faith so he can deceive you.  So the basis of getting the masses to believe we are on a spinning spheret of nonsense is exactly what he wants to you beLIEve so frankly you do not believe and comprehend the bible which is in FACT a FLAT earth document. Inflitrated organized religion operates on this premise also as it only makes logical sense that satan would attack the churches first and he has.  Martin Luther was brilliant yet if you go to a Lutheran Church today, you will hear nothing of what Martin Luther spoke about, especially his pamphlet “The jews and their LIES.”  Or any bible verses that talk about the enemies of humanity like Jesus said in John 8:44.  You will know them by their deeds and it is more than obvious who are parasites are in our presence today as their fragile egos get really upset when you point out the truth.  They control the masses by getting them looking downward and focusing them on their ego meaning materialism, sex, drugs, etc.  The never ending tread mill of despair where you never can get enough and want more. You must look upward to figure out the truth and our firmament above is to be pondered by reason along with sight. To not ponder this is simply to reject all truth.

The soul can only be enlightened by starting with something so obvious as where we currently live as described in the bible. If you start from a false premise like globbery, your whole set of values will be false. This is so obvious if you look up into the sky, yet most people keep looking downward into the abyss of their programming.

“Then don’t you think that a real astronomer will feel the same when he looks at the motions of the stars? He’ll believe  that the craftsman of he heavens arranged them and all that’s in them in the finest way possible for such things. But as for the ratio of night to day, of days to a month, of a month to year, or of the motions of the stars to any of them or to each other, don’t you think he’ll consider it strange to believe that they’re always the same and never deviate anywhere at all or to try in any sort of way to grasp the truth about them, since they’re connected to body and visible?”

To figure out the truth one must ponder our existence, and if you look into the sky you see an incredible orchestrated creation that is logical.  The swastika is really the big dipper in the 4 different seasons and a celestial symbol of goodness recognizing God’s existence.  The star of remphan 666 on the synagogue of satan ItsaHELL’s flag is a symbol of HATE illustrating they worship molech and sacrifice children.  Yet the RACIST pedophile HATE group ADL states the opposite don’t they?  Satan sure has done one hell of an inversion hasn’t he?  The motions of the stars and sun are an actual clock and they even have manipulated the calender as we should have 13 months of 28 days apiece with 1 extra day.  Between the months of June and July there should be the month of Sol.  Just more manipulation to keep the masses confused and stuck in Plato’s Cave so they do not actually look up.  Just look up and I assure you you will see the chem trails. All those still in Plato’s Cave will get mad at me for pointing out this obvious FACT.  The truth is offensive you know!

Our FLAT earth really is a clock. Many of these clocks were all over the world as all of this has been covered up for the luciferian deception.

“Then isn’t this at last, Glaucon, the song that dialectic sings? It is intelligible, but it is imitated by the power of sight. We said that sight tries at last to look at the animals themselves, the stars themselves, and in the end, at the sun itself. In the same way, whenever someone tries through argument and apart from all sense perception to find the being, itself of each thing and doesn’t give up until he grasps the good itself of each thing and doesn’t give up until he grasps the good itself with understanding itself, he reaches the end of the intelligible, just as the other reached the end of the visible.”

Just like looking into the sky to see the blatant poisonous chem trails, it is important to look up to find the truth such as the stars in the sky. This is where you will find what it is good and right.  The masses look downward and inward in a continuous quest to satisfy their own ego with materialism, sex, drugs etc which is no more than a hamster on a spinning wheel because you will never have enough and will constantly need to satisfy the simplistic desires.  The controllers of today do their propaganda media to keep peoples head looking downward like into their smart of dumb phone as they clearly don’t want you to look up so you see their deception.  Don’t acknowledge the earth is FLAT or you may unravel the luciferian deception and then you will not be under their rule.  But just looking at the sky in all the beauty it gives is not enough, as you must think about the implications of someone actually building this creation.  When you think about that you are contemplating God which satan does not want you to consider.  To do this you must let go of your pride and it is that this point you will start to understand we are really in a big test which God has designed to separate the chaff from the wheat, and it is a very hard test indeed.  Very few take the road less traveled and as the bible says it is harder to go thru the eye of the needle than to the kingdom of God.  Socrates is trying to make it so enlightened people are the rulers to make paradise for the people since he knows the masses are simply not smart enough to figure this out.  Unfortunately today we are being ruled by our egotistically RETARDED inferiors.

Just like everything else, the cars named after Tesla would be completely scoffed at by Tesla himself. They merely give you the illusion of being good for the environment, but I assure you a car actually made from Tesla’s idea would run completely off of free energy from the FLAT earth that is a big Tesla coil. But the rulers that be would not be making any money off of that so it will never happen under our current circumstances. Obviously schools push the einstein RETARDATION of his farcical realitivity theory which is utter nonsense. Just more LIES taught at the public indoctrination centers.

“Then the release from the bonds and the turning around from the shadows to statues and the light of the fire and, then, the way up out of the cave to the sunlight and, there, the continuing inability to look at the animals, the plants, and the light of the sun, but the newly acquired ability to look at divine images in water and shadows of the things that are, rather than, as before, merely at shadows of statues thrown by another source of light that is itself a shadow in relation to the sun – all this business of the crafts we’ve mentioned has the power to awaken the best part of the soul, and lead it upward to the study of the best among the things that are, just as, before, the clearest thing in the body was led to the brightest thing in the bodily and visible realm.”

It is a FACT all of us were born into bondage and that place is Plato’s Cave.  Our public indoctrination centers are designed to brainwash you with the absurd LIES like the glob to control you and keep you a docile slave.  All the CGI cartoons from free mason NASA are just shadows on the wall, and once you realize this you can break the chains on your mind.  Once that is done you are able to stand up and walk outside the cave to no longer view just the shadows you have seen your whole life, but true reality.  All of it is very hard at first because you must erase all of the programming you have had your whole life.  It will be lonely since you will be living in a different reality than the masses who surround you.  You will be attacked for simply telling the truth just as Jesus and Socrates was.  The false accusation by Meletus which led to death of Socrates is in the same principal in how Jesus was put to death for doing good and telling truth.  Meletus having an aqualine nose is a very telling trait as who do we know today who have big noses and are LIARS?  Is it the same people who are showing us the shadows on the big screen TV today?  Are these not the same people who screamed to kill Jesus who was innocent?  Connecting the dots is pretty simple here when you have exited the Cave.  But in the Cave these truths today will get you called an anti-semite, but even there not a LIAR as the aqualine nose group are not even semetic. The truth is solid as a rock while the LIES of the aqualine nose crowd keep falling like a rope of sand.

So many philosophers have warned humanity of where we are today, yet very few people read as they would rather be entertained instead of acquiring or seeking the ability to think. It is why philosophy should be part of every ruler as Socrates is stating.

“Therefore, dialectic is the only inquiry that travels this road, doing away with hypothesis and proceeding to the first principal itself, so as to be secure. And when the eye of the soul is really buried in a sort of barbaric bog, dialectic gently pulls it out and leads it upwards, using the crafts we described to help it and cooperate with it in turning the soul around.  From force of habit, we’ve often called these crafts sciences or kinds of knowledge, but they need another name, clearer than opinions, darker than knowledge.  We called them thought somewhere before. “

Ah thought!  It is said which I believe to be true that most people would rather die than think.  If you actually think you simply are not a very good slave to the narcissistically inferior parasitical banksters.  I have known something was wrong my whole life but until I started some deep thought into the subject, I was simply a slave also.  Waking up to the controlled demolition on 911, I remembered some of the questions I had when it happened like how did planes go thru the building unscathed which I know now was an editing error as there were no planes.  All of it was a controlled demolition.  It was here that those questions were coupled with thought and my first question I asked myself how did they make me believe that nonsense?  I from there on out have been on a quest to figure the logistical process of how they did it.  I did not intend to become an expert on mind control, but to figure out how they did it I simply did.  No problem is solved without sustained thinking and no problem is resolved without the ability to think.  The masses simply live lives of quiet desperation and do not think.

If you choose to figure something out, it is imperative you have quiet time to contemplate the situation. Internal dialogue is very necessary. Without it you will spend the rest of your life in the cave of ignorance!

“It will be therefore be enough to call the first section knowledge, the second thought, the third belief, and the fourth imaging, just as we did before.  The last two together we call opinion, the other two intellect. Opinion is concerned with becoming, intellect with being. And as being is to becoming, so intellect is too opinion, and as intellect is to opinion, so knowledge it to belief and thought to imaging. But as for the ratios between the things these are set over and the division of either the opinable or the intelligible section into two, let’s pass them by, Glaucon, lest they involve us in arguments many times longer than the ones we’ve already gone through.”

Socrates stated correctly that I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.  That is true for all of us as I cannot think for someone else and vice versa.  If you start from a false premise that we live on a spinning spheret thru space it only goes to reason that all your beliefs will be false and without reason.  If you see the bible is a FLAT earth document and you acknowledge that we live on a FLAT plane with the firmament or dome above it, you are acknowledging simple observable FACTS and your beliefs will be from the forms you see every day.  Thus, your reasoning is correct and you then start from the truth and build your beliefs and thus opinions on reality.  By basing your beliefs on reasoning instead of blind faith such as the glob, your extrapolated opinions are based on evidence and not hearsay or programming.  It is why the controllers try to protect their globbery programming so much as when you have reasoning skills which are a result of looking upward instead of downward, you no longer are their slave.  We obviously all still have to exist in their created beast system, but your mind is no longer a slave to these narcissistic mental invalids.  Once you understand simple FACTS and can freely elucidate them, you no longer can be fooled.

The masses today just beLIEve what they are told without discernment. To question a second grade teacher is frowned upon. Children are being programmed at an early age simply because they are not capable of discernment when they are young. A truly educated mind will not store the information in their mind until they are fully convinced it is true. Unfortunately children simply are not capable of this discernment so it is very important we make sure what they are being exposed to is true. Therefore TAKE YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS NOW!

“Then the same applies to the good (understanding it through reasoning and not blind faith). Unless someone can distinguish in an account the form of the good from everything else, can survive all refutation, as if in a battle, striving to judge things not in accordance with opinion but in accordance with being, and can come through all this with his account still intact, you’ll say that he doesn’t know the good itself or any other good. And if he gets hold of same image of it, you’ll say that it’s through opinion, not knowledge, for he is dreaming and asleep throughout his present life, and before he wakes up here, he will arrive in hades and go to sleep forever.”

All of the programmed opinions of the masses are nonsense obviously since they merely regurgitate the shadows on the wall or today the big screen TV.  The TV is designed to keep one firmly in Plato’s Cave as it is all unasinous.  If one refuses to stop watching TV “programming” then they invariably will remain in Plato’s Cave which is just as pertinent today as it was when it was written 2400 years ago.  It is safe to say if one does not think are strives to think, then they will perish for a lack of knowledge.  It is pride which satan uses to control the masses and pride is the I believe I am right disease.  Since the masses are programmed with LIES, they simply will get mad at the truth every single time.  If one refuses to acknowledge the possibility that they are programmed with LIES, as Socrates states their destination is hades as they remain asleep. 

Pride is evil as it is the I believe I am right disease and it is always wrong. It is pride on why someone will refuse to question their beliefs or even read. The ego will always project what it is guilty and what I write will be viewed as arrogance while it really is confidence. It is precisely why I get attacked so often. Once the ego or the programming is triggered someone simply will not listen anymore which means it is time to leave that person alone until they calm down. As is obvious, lefties are so catatonic they celebrate pride and moral debauchery as if it is a good thing, and the HATEFUL BIGOTS will get mad when you point this truth out. The extremist deplorable HATE speech of calling a comatose lefty a liberal desperately needs to made into a serious crime!

“Then do you think that we’ve placed dialectic at the top of the other subjects like a coping stone and that no other subject can rightly be placed above it, but that our account of the subjects that a future ruler must learn has come to an end?”

Obviously proper education is teaching children how to think, not what to think.  The nonsense our current public brain damaging centers falsely called schools are doing their best to destroy critical thinking so they can make docile slaves.  Our current system is all brainwashing as liberalism is the transformation of mankind into sewage.  It is not a joke when I say lefties are walking programmable zombies, it is also not hateful, it is just the blatant obvious truth!

I can’t stress this enough that liberalism is brainwashing and most definitely does not produce someone who is open minded in the least.

“We must look for someone (future rulers) who has got a good memory, is persistent, and is in every way a lover of hard work.  How else do you think he’d be willing to carry out both the requisite bodily labors and also complete so much study and practice?”

So many of those today who rule over us are incompetent lazy programmed RETARDS like your typical catatonic lefty that it makes sense we are in such an inverted mess. They do everything they can like gender studies to divert children from learning how to think and only push majors that teach people what to beLIEve.  We currently have the complete inversion of what Socrates was conveying which is narcissistic self serving mental invalids which is a factual description of a catatonic lefty.

The holohoax is programmed into people as a control mechanism. It may be the only time the hook nosed parasites actually did manual labor. This nonsense needs to be erased from everyone’s memory and soon!

“Similarly, with regard to truth, won’t we say that a soul is maimed if it hates a voluntary falsehood, cannot endure to have one in itself, and is greatly angered when it exists in others, but is nonetheless content to accept an involuntary falsehood, isn’t angry when it is caught being ignorant, and bears its lack of learning easily, wallowing in it like a pig?”

The truth is simple out there if you seek it.  The truth requires FACTS and not being lazy.  When someone says FLAT earth doesn’t matter it is merely them telling you that they are lazy and do not seek truth.  It really is that simple.  This applies to all truths as Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  If your pride stops you from seeking knowledge or the ability of admit you are wrong, you embody this verse.  You must be angered by falsehoods or you fail God’s test.  If you wallow in LIES and refuse to do some thinking on why you beLIEve those LIES, you most certainly will wallow in them like a pig.

As we know it is technically impossible to be HATEFUL towards such subversive LYING parasites who spewed their extremist deplorable sycophant HATE wherever they go since they are satan’s psychologically projection children. None of them should ever be allowed in any media since LYING is literally the only thing they know how to do. Just like me I am sure Goebbels would not have been so adamant in his beliefs if it wasn’t for the actions of the pernicious parasites.

“And with regard to moderation, courage, high-mindedness, and all the other parts of virtue, it is also important to distinguish the illegitimate from the legitimate, for when either a city or an individual doesn’t know how to do this, it unwittingly employs the lame and illegitimate  as friends or rulers for whatever services it wants done.”

If you can’t see the complete inversion as pretty much everything in our current beast system is illegitimate and filled with nepotism and incompetence, then you are not even remotely conscious.  It is a result of everything being controlled by those who print fiat currency out of thin air so they can buy whatever politician they want and remain pernicious parasites.  Unfortunately we have the rulers we deserve since we have not been persistent in meting out our rulers.  As Socrates states, we should only have rulers who literally do not want to rule, and those that do want to rule simply should be disposed of properly.  Just more of the inversion we are in!

I obviously have strong objections to inflitrated organized Christianity as it truly is not Christianity in the least but is being used to protect satan’s Children. It is very sad how satan has attacked the churches but unless one questions their own beliefs as Socrates teaches, you will be stuck in Plato’s Cave.

“Therefore, calculation, geometry, and all the preliminary education required for dialectic must be offered to the future rulers in childhood, and not in the shape of compulsory learning either. (Glaucon) Why’s that? (Socrates) Because no free person should learn anything like a slave.  Forced bodily labor does not harm to the body, but nothing taught by force stays in the soul.’

This is so true indeed.  Just as I had read Plato’s Republic in college it too me was boring and monotonous and my soul never took anything out of it.  I quickly like most of what I did in college erased it and moved on.  But when I was searching for the truth after realizing I had been deceived by the controlled demolition on 911, Plato’s Republic was profound and enlightening, especially this chapter on Plato’s Cave.  So my own experience proves what Socrates is saying is more than true, and nothing forced on Children is ever really going to do anything for them.  They must be guided to want to learn, but they must also have what is proper to learn and be taught subjects that teach them how to think.  The reason they get children so young is they have not developed their critical thinking skills so they are unable to discern FACT from fiction.  When a person is given proper help in learning how to think at a young age, they will be powerful as they get older.  Of course Socrates was accused of corrupting the young because he desired to make the common man’s life better by teaching them how to think so the corrupt rulers would be unable to rule over them.  It really is no different than Jesus pointing out the Pharisee money changers who are the bane to all humanities existence today.  Same truthful principal that has gone on from the beginning of time.  Nothing has ever changed is a FACT.

Jesus would not approve of the churches today in the least!

“Don’t you realize what a great evil come from dialectic as it is currently practiced?  (Glaucon) What evil is that? (Socrates) Thos that practice it are filled with lawlessness.”

If a person has not heard of the Hegelian dialectic which is Problem Reaction Solution, then you are clearly not a seeker of truth.  In practice of this evil dialectic, this is just as the corrupt government has done with this scamdemic.  They created a fake virus (It was just your normal flu bug) as a problem, the parasites used their control of the media to push their fear porn as the reaction, and then their solution is of course the poison injection which will give you the diseases to euthanize people as it is a pure depopulation clot shot.  And of course the masses fell for it because of their pride which always goes before destruction.  It is frankly so obvious yet only the few clearly understand how it logistically works.  The useless eaters who run the world have always used the inverted dialectic to cause wars for profit, and big harma to profit off of your early demise.

What is the Hegelian Dialectic and why is it extremely important to understand?

If you do not know what the hegelian dialectic is, it behooves you to read and learn. This is what our corrupt government uses every time and it stop you from becoming deceived.

“We hold from childhood certain convictions about just and fine things, that flatter the soul and attract it to themselves but which don’t persuade sensible people, who continue to honor and obey the convictions of their fathers.”

This is true for everyone and most certainly for me since I had such a wonderful father.  It is the reason they are doing everything in their power to break up the family as if you do not have a father you obviously cannot follow their convictions in the least.  My father was a rock who was not easily swayed and of which I followed his example.  It is why no leftist garbage programming entered into me in the least since I respected my father who also was respected by many.  He stood by his convictions and was frankly attacked for it which we had many discussions on.  He never backed down and that example has led me to do the same.  Now he was not fully awake and trusted our medical system which led to his own early demise which for sure was one of the items that woke me up.  Big harma earned plenty of money off of my father which caused him to suffer needlessly.  I was not awake to stop it unfortunately but I surely would have today.  I was just me and like my father never put on a façade, and because of that I did deal with a lot of jealousy, of which a classmate from high school I graduated with told me on our graduation day that everyone is jealous of you?  I said what?  I never thought about it but I certainly was not jealous of anyone else as I wanted to just be me.  I credit my best friend for this as that just happened to actually be my father.

Feminism was designed to destroy women and like all leftist brainwashing it does the opposite of what they promote. Just more inversion.

“But an older person won’t want to take part in such madness. He’ll imitate someone who is willing to engage in discussion in order to look for the truth, rather than somone who plays at contradictions for sport.  He’ll be more sensible himself and will bring honor rather than discredit to the philosophical way of life.”

While the young should be trained, Socrates is pointing out that the your require experience and time to figure out the correct truth.  Younger people with less advanced knowledge and experience tend to be more emotional and more easily swayed than an older person with more experience.  I personally believe most men are not good thinkers until their testosterone levels decline around the age of 35.  While the masses do not think at all, it will always be the minority of men who actually think also.  Women without any male supervision are more like children and God simply did not provide them with the same reasoning skills as men.  The more intelligent women I have had discussions with completely agree with me, but like everything it is always the minority.  Women have the most important  job of all in raising children and a good man will always support them and protect a good women.  This is how God has designed men and women as a team.  The beast system has done it’s best to destroy this symbiotic relationship.  This must be reversed in the future to get back to the natural state of affairs.

It makes sense that the godless attacks the family. He does not want anyone with a strong foundation. It is why the pernicious parasites use porn and all their morally depraved leftist garbage to attack the family.

“(After much debate and participation in arguments) And after that you must make them go down into the Cave again, and compel them to take command in matters of war and occupy the other offices suitable for young people, so that they won’t be inferior to the others in experience. But in these, too, they must be tested to see whether they’ll remain steadfast when they are pulled this way and that or shift from their ground.”

The reality is the masses simply will remain in Plato’s Cave.  There is no way around that as they simply are not thinkers.  There will always be evil in the world whether you like it or not.  The object of what Socrates is trying to do is have worthy leaders to help guide those in Plato’s Cave so they can live productive happy lives which is the best scenario for all.  A person must be steadfast in their constitution since inevitably they will be attacked for simply telling the truth.  Point out who the pernicious parasites are in today’s world and you will most likely attacked in some way, but never called a LIAR. A combination of being strong willed and knowledgeable with the warrior spirit is required for all battles, especially in the battle to break the programming the masses are under.  As explained in this review you must expect to be personally attacked and frankly risk your if you dare to speak truth.  The beast system created by the criminal banking scum, Jesuits, Free mason’s etc relies on LIES to continue and too much truth will make the whole thing fall like a rope of sand.  This threat is most certainly something that makes you feel very alive.  And according to the satanic creed, they cannot kill you unless you give them permission so don’t give them permission and put on the full armor of God.

Socrates was trying to establish righteous rulers so veryone would thrive. It is obvious this is the opposite of what we have today.

“Glaucon (How much time do you allow for that?) Socrates Fifteen years. Then at the age of fifty, those who’ve survived the tests and been successful both in practical matters and in the science must be led to the goal and compelled to lift up the radiant light of their souls to what itself provides light for everything. And once they’ve seen the good itself, they must each in turn put the city, it’s citizens, and themselves in order, using it as their model. Each of them will spend most of his time with philosophy, but when his turn comes, he must labor in politics and rule for the city’s sake, not as if he were doing something fine, but rather something that has to be done. Then, having educated others like himself to take his place as guardians of the city, he will depart for the Isles of the Blessed and dwell there. And, if the Pythia (Name of the high priestess of the temple of Apollo at Delphi) agrees, the city will publicly establish memorials and sacrifices to him as a daemon ( a divinity or supernatural being of a nature between gods and humans), but if not, then as a happy and divine human being.”

Now this must be placed on when Socrates was alive which was pre-Christianity as the greek God’s were important to Socrates.  He always was reaching out to higher powers.  But he said someone must be tested for their strength and are not fit to rule until after they have been adequately tested, and the age of 50 is the minimum age that any man (not a women) should rule.  It is because wisdom comes with age coupled with experience.  He also reiterates that these people who are philosphers so they think and not just regurgitate can make the best decisions for the masses, and this really can only be done by someone who actually does not want to rule.  Those that want to rule are and always will be tyrants as is the situation we have today.  It is part of the inversion and the ongoing battle between good and evil.  Evil is winning overall, but clearly losing day by day. It is more than obvious to me that if you were to outline 2 races that represent good and evil, the good is White People and the evil is clearly the sewer joos.  Other races appear to be just players on the stage in different forms, as like the sewer joos, Blacks are easily manipulated intellectually deficient destroyers of good.  A good ruler would not tolerate either of their races in any civilized society.

It is simply much easier to discern what is good and right when a person is older with experience. This is why older men should be rulers. The yids no matter what their age are inferior mental invalids with chutzpah and should only be in charge of hot dog stands.

“Then, do you agree, that the things we’ve said about the city and its constitution aren’t altogether wishful thinking, and that it’s hard for them to come about, but not impossible? And do you also agree that they can come about only in the way we indicated, namely, when one or more true philosophers come to power in a city, who despise present honors, thinking them slavish and worthless, and who prize what is right and the honors that come from it above everything, and regard justice as the most important and most essential thing, serving it and increasing it as they set their city in order?” The continuing theme that a knowledgeable individual who has fought plenty of battles (typically philosophically) will be the only one capable of ruling over a city properly, and those are people who from a young age were taught how to think, not what to think like what we have today.  A right thinking man will always be attacked by narcissistic selfish individuals, and a warrior mentally must be attained thru practice to combat the malcontents.  This system is the proper system to attain justice and it obviously the complete opposite of our current injustice system.  It is clear our inferiors are the rulers of today, while the egotistical mental invalids actually believing they are God’s themselves.  This inversion is quite unfortunate indeed as we could have paradise, but instead we have a slice of Hell.  Hitler was trying to right the ship but the masses were duped once again, especially American’s

No matter where in history you look, those who tell the truth are chastised, and typically by anyone who calls themselves a joo. Nothing changes unfortunately until enough people exit Plato’s Cave. Will you?

As can be seen and realized by Socrates description of Plato’s Cave, this is simply where the masses live.  All the scenarios depicted in this chapter of Plato’s Republic are played out in real life and have been since the beginning of time. It is really just the Cain vs. Able scenario continuously played out as the edomite/sodomite Esau descendents who call themselves joos today are literally trying to genocide the Chosen one’s by God which are White People.  This is all due to jealousy and can visually be seen in the contrasting beauty of White Women compared the ugliness and nastiness of the hook nosed parasitical women.  God chosen I assure you were not ugly, nor were they LIARS, murderers and thieves.  Muh God’s chosen regurgitated by so much of the brainwashed masses is just vulgar and crude. It is clear satan made the right choice for his crew.

God created beauty while satan creates ugliness. It is staring you in the face every day!