Orwell’s Animal Farm Movie

This is exactly where the masses live on Orwell’s Animal Farm. I do write alot of Orwell and adapt it too current events. This is truly how dumbed down people are at this point as movies like idiocracy are unfortunately very real. The masses simply cannot comprehend simple FACTS so they can be programmed with LIES thru repetition. While righty’s are bad enough, lefties are simply catatonic as they do not have a functioning conscious mind and are a pure software program of nonsense, and this is why they are so insane and have trouble identifying their gender nowadays.

Here is the movie Animal Farm which is our unfortunate reality today.

This is very real as people really are this stupid!

Here are some of my Orwell writings I have done and adopted them to current events.

Orwell’s Animal Farm- Conspiracy Globbery Edition

By 2023, the reading and writing classes were becoming so easy since language had been surreptitiously reduced to less difficult words through political correctness that the animals were free to think openly as much as they could because really, nobody could think.  Many large words were memorized even though the ability and comprehension of such words were becoming more troublesome.  Big words yes, complete sentences no.

As for the commie pigs, they could still read and write perfectly and were able to guide the rest of the animals and help them think progressively. The lawyer dogs learned to read and memorize very well, as they wanted to make sure they followed the plan of the pigs because obviously they knew best. They knew how to keep their fellow animal inmates secure in the courtyard and focused on their task at hand.  Muriel, the doctor goat, could read better than the dogs, and sometimes used to read to the others in the evenings from scraps of newspaper which she found on the rubbish heap. Benjamin could read as well as any pig, but he was too caught up in watching sports to really exercise his faculty. So far as he knew, he said, there was nothing worth reading when there was a good game on. Clover learnt the whole alphabet, but could not put together a complete sentence. Boxer could not get beyond the letter D.  He would trace A,B,C,D, in the dust with his great hoof, and then would stand staring at the letters with his ears back, sometimes shaking his forelock, trying with all his might to remember what came next and never succeeding.  On several occasions, indeed, he did learn E,F,G,H, but by the time he knew them, it was always discovered that he had forgotten A,B,C, and D. Finally he decided to be content with the first four letters, and used to write them out once or twice every day to refresh his memory. Mollie refused to learn any but the six letters which spelt her own name. She would form these very neatly out of pieces of twig, and would decorate them with a flower or two and walk around them admiring them.

None of the other animals on the farm could get further than the letter A. It was also found that the stupider animals, such as the sheep, hens, and ducks, were unable to learn the basics of complete knowledge, bullets curve, gravity exists because my second grade teacher said so, water amazingly is NEVER Flat, and extortion racket $52 million dollars a day free mason NASA wouldn’t lie would they?  They believe these items without the ability to state a single fact about any of them, because facts are obviously irrelevant when you cannot comprehend them. After much thought, Snoball the pig declared that the basics knowledge could be reduced to a single maxim, namely: “Water is never Flat.” This, he said, contained the essential principle of Animalism. Whoever had thoroughly grasped it would be safe from human influences. The birds at first objected, since it seemed to them that 2nd grade teachers could not know everything and water sure seems flat,  but Snoball proved to them that this was not so.

Even Orwell would be amazed at what is currently going on.

In 2024, 40 years after 1984, Ingsoc and it citizens are embraced in an epic struggle that grips the minds of the masses, where intelligence is limited to the few and the masses act like asses.  The manipulated many cannot debate, but regurgitate simple insults that they themselves emulate.

Facts are few and opinions are many, where the meaning of words are surreptitiously skewed to fit the narrative of inverted world that Orwell so described with his clairvoyant diction. Common sense is not in the least common, as the cattle are shoved into the direction of oblivious dereliction.

The minds of the masses cannot think beyond the depths of the children’s pool, and are oblivious to cesspool that is being created, by the continuous wars killing many women and children. In the bubble that each of the masses mind are encapsulated, a simple distraction is all that is really needed, to keep them from understanding the gargantuan struggle for a proper civilization. No thought is shallow enough for the ignorant many and bigotry is embraced so as not to insult the lies perpetuating immorality. 

The lies are so mendacious at the current time, the Truth is so foreign and is viewed as pure fanciful farce, as the minds of the masses cannot grasp how far from the Truth we have drifted.  The Truth is preposterous and is screamed at as though words can physically hurt, but the Truth truly has no feelings at all, it is merely the truth.  The drift is so far from the Truth that it will invoke a feeling of hate just like the programming intended. 

The Truth is stranger than fiction, as Orwell, Huxley, and Plato described so vibrantly. What we have been told is merely a ruse to control and manipulate the inner soul, and steer all of us down the path of destruction. As deception and danger elude the instincts of the many and provides the perfect contradiction to the delusions of true reality. We live in a place where what most believe is fanciful fiction that really is merely a movie.  Philosophers though out time have warned all of us about this very real and continuous scenario but the masses are asleep at the wheel. Philosophers have merely told the truth and what they have told us is not a lie, but is just an accurate prediction.

Even if people read the book that does not mean they will understand it if their ego is not sufficiently controlled. The masses are controlled entirely by their ego as that is exactly what the Matrix is.

Orwell’s Animal Farm Poison Vaccine Edition

After being inundated with the most trusted news source for Orwell’s animal farm in CNN, the stupider animals were scared of a made up pandemic and believed this without a single fact to back any of it up. Because language being surreptitiously reduced due to political correctness, the majority of the animals believed this because the party told you to reject all evidence of your ears and eyes.  This as we know was their final, most essential command.

However, Ralph the Duck was in the courtyard one day when a paper flew in from www.learntherisk.org about vaccines. Ralph was one of the smarter Ducks so he could actually read a bit.  To not be noticed reading this human influence, he quickly hid it and promptly hid behind the outhouse that the farmer used to use to read the document.  Reading the list of ingredients he read, aborted duck tissue, mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum among others.  Ralph could not quite comprehend what he was reading, but it seemed to him these were not good and was alarmed.  Ralph then brought the paper to Greta Humbug the social justice warrior for clean manure.  Ralph gave the document to Greta and soon she burst out in madness.  “HOW DARE YOU!”  This clearly is a violation of Snoball’s rules for human influences Greta screamed!

Greta promptly filed a grievance against Ralph with Snoball.  Obviously Snoball was incensed by this and ordered a lockdown on all he animals as there must be an investigation in how this happened.  All the animals were put into cages as Snoball the pig personally inspected all of them, especially Ralphs.

That evening while Snoball was thinking of the proper punishment for Ralph, he had his favorite dish duck soufflé and it was delicious!

The next morning there was a lot of commotion as it appears Ralph was attacked in cage and then disappeared leaving only a few feathers.  Because of National Security risks of reporting the truth about this murder, it was avoided by all the ministry of Truth outlets.

But at least CNN has told all the animals that just because people are dropping dead from taking the poison to not be concerned, because if you cannot figure out they are murdering innocent babies are the KKK Planned Parenthood clinics, how could you make the connection here?  Besides, to avoid all human influences, the animals were told to memorize the basics of complete knowledge.  Terms such as keep safe by social distancing since you are told to do so, wear your slave mask because oxygen is not needed for the braindead, and take your poison vaccine as you will no longer get sick after you are dead.  These phrases, Snoball said, contained the essential principle of Animalism. Whoever had thoroughly grasped it would be safe from human influences. The birds at first objected, since it seemed to them being dead was not so good, but Snowball proved to them that this was not so, since then they no longer could get sick.

One by one they are dying off as the depopulation shot is very effective!

Orwell 2024

It was in the year 2024 that the perception deception was beginning to erode as more of the masses began to wake up to the reality of non reality of their existence. Everything that the masses have been brainwashed with was quickly coming to end.  Questions were starting to have an effect on the false narrative that was being pushed ever since the slaves were born. 

What is real no longer seemed to be real, and reality was more of a convoluted mess as it was hard to distinguish what was real and what was fake.  But was becoming apparent is the minds of the masses have been controlled which has been going on since the beginning of time.  The Thought Police were in full censor mode now since they were losing control, deleting as many truths as they could and keeping their obvious lies and false narrative alive through the Ministry of Truth’s extensive apparatus. The inmates were still policing the inmates and any sign of intelligence was quickly frowned upon. Anyone not following this typically will just disappear, but the sheer magnitude of people waking up was a problem. In the political language the absurdities were continually pushed, but the irrational emotion of the lies were no longer taking hold against even the basics of logic, except for the true zombies who would believe even the most obnoxious lie.

Truth is censored and is call hate speech, Racists brazenly called their opponents Racist, and the unconscious walked around in a deep fog doing exactly what they were told to do.  The proles who understood the truth were growing and the false narrative was easily discernible!  The proles were getting mad because they were throwing off the chains and could see outside Plato’s Cave.  The Truth was no longer inextricably described as Hate, but started to be realized for the exactly what it is. The dislocation of consciousness and reality from the Matrix was taking its toll as the sane were still viewed as insane, but sanity was being restored.  In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane. The Brave New World, Plato’s Cave, Orwells 1984 and the Matrix, all one and the same, have been exposed!

I figured this out and the inversion we are in almost 10 years ago. And I thought it would be easy to wake people up.

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