CCatatonic prideful BIGOTED KKK slavery democrat memes!

Unconscious KKK slavery democrats are pure AI with NO intelligence whatsoever, and that is why they are so vulgar as they spew their extremist deplorable sycophant HATE and BIGOTRY.  These memes are definitive picture proof that KKK slavery democrats are simply easily manipulated zombies. All they can do is psychologically project and are simply no different that talking to a refrigerator. Pictures are worth a thousand words as this is very true.

Can you say vulgar and disgusting? Putting the TRASH out of it’s misery is truly the compassionate thing to do!

To defeat one of the walking programmable zombies all you have to do is tell them they are NOT a liberal (Meaning no open minded) and they will run away proving this is the truth as this glitches their programming. This is just the truth and if you view it as HATE it is because of the mind control. It is exactly how the inversion works.

If you still call a comatose KKK slavery lefty a liberal, you are a LIAR and extremely programmed. If you don’t admit this then I am sure you beLIEve a ton of LIES.

The is absolute terrorism! These repulsive cultural swine child mutilating catatonic KKK slavery lefties are despicable vulgar TRASH!

Most catatonic KKK slavery lefties do struggle to pull up their pants! Absolute disgusting fiilth!

Gosh, feminism is pushed by ugly smelly inferior jealous perncious parasitical sewer joo vermin! What a cohencidence! What moral repugnancy doesn’t the useless eating maggots push?

Was Hitler right or what? Why he was so nice to NOT dispose of the faulty inbred subversive LYING sewage was a big mistake. As we know most sewer joos are RACIST prideful BIGOTED KKK slavery demonrat TRASH!

Pride goes before destruction and putrid vulgar diseased puke KKK slavery lefties overwhelming euthanized themselves with the clot shot! What do you expect from sheep?

All unconscious leftist vulgar TRASH is FACTUALLY RACIST HATEFUL intolerant prideful BIGOTS and it is RACIST to actually care for their despicable LIVES! As an open minded liberal I am anti-RACIST so the psycholgically projecting filths live do not matter. Their mothers simply made the WRONG choice!

How this is not so obvious is beyond me. The mind control is very good!

This is the unfortunate reality. Leftist TRASH is simply not alive and is pure AI. That is exactly why they are ro rude and offensive.

It wasn’t me who made this leftist TRASH so vulgar and rude was it? I merely point it out.

The inversion is in your face!

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