If the soulless sub human sewer joos succeed in killing all superior White People as they say, who will the useless eating parasites steal from?

As an Anti-Racist and anti-HATE open minded liberal, I obviously am with Jesus when he says in Luke 19:27 to dispose of the inferiority complex ugly smelly parasitical yid vermin. The egotistical RETARDS are a bane to all humanity as the parasites are useless eating diseased puke just like your typical repulsive cultural swine KKK slavery demonrat filth.

I obviously don’t consider the egotistical RETARDS human so Jesus’s harsh words kill I would change to dispose of properly. As the anti-RACIST chant “Gas the Joos” is heard around the world, it just shows the pernicious parasitical vermin’s days are numbered. Any satanist who supports the soulless sub human beasts of the synagogue of satan ItsaHELL obviously is destined for the fiery pit also! Satan most assuredly has deceived the world indeed!

It is more than obvious at this point that all disgusting unconscious RACIST prideful BIGOTED KKK slavery leftist vomit just needs to put out of it’s misery.  The extremist deplorable sycoohant HATE that spews from a diseased puke leftist mouth is just disgusting.

The extremist deplorable sycophant HATE, Racism and BIGOTRY spewing out of the mouth of a repulsive cultural swine child mutilating KKK slavery leftist piece of TRASH is just disgusting. Always encourage this filth to get their boosters so they euthanize themselves ASAP to put them out of their misery.

The hook nosed parasitical sewer joo should never have been let out of the ghetto and is is more than obvious even the best of the disposable sewer joos needs proper disposal. The perfidity of today is caused entirely by those who Jesus said in John 8:44 their father is the devil and they are the father of all lies like the farcical holohoax.

If you perpetuate HATE by perpetuating the holohoax LIE or by doing the controlled demolition on 911 like ItsaHELL did, you should expect your mendacious LIES to come back to haunt you. Jesus warned us but your inflitrated organized religion kept you pacified so you didn’t seek truth. That is why God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.

Unless the sewer joo parasites are buried and 6 ft under, it is literally the only way to stop them from lying cheating murdering. Arguing with their arrogant chutzpah is fruitless because they simply have no intelligence.

The chutzpah of these useless eating maggots is just immense. Satan’s children are just too stupid to stop so at this point it is clear the pernicious edomite/sodomite/canaanite parasites need to be forcefully removed. Since they have no intelligence you most certainly cannot reason with them is the least just like how Hitler described them. I never looked for them when I went down the rabbit holes but I certainly found the subversive LIARS at the end of every rabbit hole. Every Single Time!

Only the most ardent RACIST supremacist at this point would be against the disposal of the hook nosed parasites at this point. Jesus clearly agrees with me.

If your pride rejects information you will perish! All the feel good platitudes of nonsense in your infiltrated organized religion will not save you. Ignore the bible at your own risk! If you don’t even know what the Talmud is you are very ignorant.

Satan has decieved the world by this inversion we are in. It must be fixed by all means necessary. The word jew must be erased from history by all means possible.

If you beLIEve you have not been deceived, you have been deceived!

How the world became completely upside down is an amazing achievement by satan. My analysis is that God let him do that to sort out the chaff from the wheat. God only wants the best and this test is what brings out the best.

I have talked about the inversion before and it is the truth! The truth is that everything in our world today know as common knowledge is LIE! Heck I should do a blog on this right? LOL!!

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