Why the anti-Racist and anti-HATE slogan “kill the joos” continues to gain momentum

The HATEFUL Racist slogan of “joos lives matter” is repulsive and vulgar. The RACISTS who support the barbaric sub human beasts of the synagogue of satan IsraHELL vermin will assuredly burn in the fiery pit. A quote taken from one of their own Noel Ignatiev is very appropriate. “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish my sewer jooish race.  Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because my hook nosed subversive LYING race influence permeates every issue in the US society, whether domestic or foreign.” I obviously agree and so does Jesus who told us to bring parasites like Neil before him and slay them in Luke 19:27. Neil’s soulless carcass expired recently and he is screaming in excruciating pain as you read this.

As an anti-Racist and anti-HATE individual, I will continue to bash ugly smelly inferior useless eating parasites until the last of the vermin is disposed of properly. It is what God commands all of us to do! As usual all you have to do is invert what satan’s children say.

Being the anti-Racist and anti-HATE open minded liberal I am, it is obviously comforting to know God has euthanized the vast majority of catatonic repulsive cultural swine child mutilating leftist TRASH to willingly euthanize themselves via the clot shot. Putting this disposable sewage out of it’s collective misery is clearly the compassionate thing to do. As it obvious, no leftist piece of shit belongs in any civilized society.

Fun fact most sewer joos are catatonic repulsive cultural swine child mutilating leftist pieces of TRASH!

If you believe the bible which most people do not, it clearly points out who satan’s children are.  The money changers of today call themselves joos.  If you disagree with Jesus when he flipped their tables over for being mean, I suggest you tell that too Jesus yourself.  I happen to agree with Jesus completely as the useless eating parasites like Neil above are a clear abomination to all humanity. It is in their DNA to be LIARS, thieves and murderers and their father is the devil, and in my researched opinion descendants of the fallen angels or nephillim.  It is thru these child sacrificing miscreants that satan rules the world which is biblical prophecy.  If your pride fails to do any research yourself, you will be destroyed by your lack of knowledge.  The bible is very real and if you fail to believe it like how the earth is describe as FLAT and stationary with a dome or firmament, then you simply do not believe the bible.  For sure the bible has been compromised, but the truths like pride does before destruction permeates the bible’s core.

Is this not completely accurate? It is literally in the DNA to LIE. If their lips are moving it is a LIE!

The bibles premise can in my reasoned opinion be summed up best by this statement, “Wisdom is acquired by humility and questioning your beliefs by trusting God, and foolishness is having pride in your beliefs and attacking those who are merely speaking truth. Since the world is based completely on LIES, the masses are programmed with them.  If you fail to have humility and question your beliefs, you will be stuck in the satanic Matrix completely run by satan’s children.

If you fail to acknowledge the prideful BIGOTED evil LGBT and transgender nonsense is satanic, you are not conscious in the least!

While the anti-RACIST and anti-HATE phrase “kill the joos” is semantically incorrect as it really should say “dispose of the useless eating parasites.” to be politically correct. Even considering the faulty inbreds human is very HATEFUL obviously.

It is not a joke when I say every rabbit hole leads back to the same race. Of course this is exactly why you are not supposed to critisize them, and they are the ones who should be critisized! The bible points out that they are satan’s children explicitly, yet because they give organized religion the cultish 501(C)3 they simply do not critisize those who help them keep money for their business. It is that simple.

Just like how God destroyed the jews of the bible after they murdered Jesus, we all must look forward to God smoting Sodom and Gommorah IsraHELL TRASH, as only the most ardent RACIST supremacist would be against the disposal of these sub human beasts.  It is in the bible as Revelations is playing out before out eyes.

How does one not see that the synagogue of satan IsraHELL is in FACT sodom and gommorah? Satan has most certainly deceived the world with their pride!

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