Con man Trump syndrome supporters are RACIST!

Parasitical jooish supremacists whose father is the devil and blatant subversive LIARS are being supported by your Trump supporting morons.  Thus all Trump supporters are RACIST as they are complicit in the genocide of innocent Palestinian women and children by the RACIST terrorist synagogue of satan IsraHELL.  This is not just me saying this, the bible says all of this also, but who believes that right?  You simply cannot call yourself a Christian and support genocidal maniacs like those whose father is the devil, those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan. As we know, the bible is very offensive to those who believe Satan’s LIES!

Did Jesus nail it or what? Every rabbit hole leads to this parasitical race that was pointed out by Jesus. It is the tribe that should be critisized constantly if someone was a real Christian and have proper morals. The Racist supremacists simply project onto others what they themselves are guilty. It is satan’s childrens favorite tactic.

I am constantly offending people because I tell the truth.  The truth of me being an anti-RACIST anti-HATE open minded liberal causes significant confusion to say the least.  Truth is so offensive in our dystopian world that they will avoid reading it and will find my blog unappealing to confirming their LIES.  Satan does not want me to speak truth to disrupt his deception in the least.  I do not deny that satan runs the world thru a fraudulent criminal banking Ponzi scheme in the least.  The bible and Jesus say the love of money is the root of all evil and it is more than obvious this is true, especially when your money is printed out of thin air backed by nothing. Follow the fiat currency to find the end of the rabbit hole.

So Jesus attacked the money changers. They also are the ones who had Jesus crucified and they called themselves jews! The people who call themselves joos today are the money changers who run the criminal banking system, yet they are not real jews nor are they semitic! If you can’t see the same thing that was happening in the bible is happening today, you are blind as a bat. Jesus warned you but who is listening?

You are not a Christian if you follow any of the precepts of judeo-Christianity or Christian Zionism, you are 100% Satanist.  It is black and white and backed up completely by the bible.  Any organized religion church supporting the synagogue of satan ItsaHELL which would be referred to as popular Christianity and most certainly not Biblical Christianity.  If you cannot figure out by now that America is the bod guy in every war fighting for the criminal bankster scum, you need to wake up. You are a pure Satanist if you support RACIsT terrorist ItsaHELL who attacked America on 911, and if you ignore this blatant FACT you probably ignore that FACT that biblical earth is FLAT also.  Satan does not like you being able to recognize simple FACTS as then he is unable to deceive you anymore.

Satan-yahoo speaks! The fiery pit cannot be hot enough for this piece of genocidal sewage! Zionism is pure satanism and the synagogue of satan IsraHELL is a zionsit state. The connection is very simple!

My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge says God, and if your pride rejects knowledge of say the satanic Talmud, then your pride will lead to your destruction as the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  A lack of knowledge will make a easily deceived stooge for satan period.  The synagogue of satan IsraHELL desperately needs willfully ignorant morons who do not seek truth.  Their house of LIES are built on LIES like the holohoax to control people, and that is blatant LIE is falling apart as all LIES eventually do.  Simple FACTS prove the absurdity of this tall tale to be just another despicable LIE.

Do you reject learning about the satanic Talmud? This disgusting theology was exactly what Jesus was preaching against so it build context to the bible. If you haven’t looked into the Talmud you probably are a Racist who supports the synagogue of satan IsraHELL!

If a hook nosed yids lips are moving, it is a LIE. It is what satan’s children do and is why the plague of humanity should never have any control of any media as we can see with the satanic LGBT and transgender agenda being promoted by catatonic repulsive cultural swine closed minded prideful BIGOTED lefty pieces of TRASH, as their pride has led to their early destruction by willingly euthanizing themselves with the clot shot. Putting the diseased sludge out of it’s misery is really the best. Morally depraved sexual deviant leftist sewage does not belong in any civilized society EVER!

Ugly smelling inferior hook nosed parasites are behind the destruction of women thru feminism. Every single time it is one of satan’s children!

If you support con man Trump and still are wallowing in the false left vs. right paradigm, you are mightily deceived and you are a RACIST.  Supporting the barbaric sub human beasts of the synagogue of satan ItsaHELL and their genociding of innocent Palestinian women and children makes you a RACIST HATEFUL Satanist.  It means you do not believe the bible and you are not saved in the least.  This is not suggestive conjecture, it is right from the bible.  But who believes that right?

Your vote doesn’t matter which should be obvious with a vegetable like Biden. Selected Presidents serve their satanic bankster masters only. How much more obvious can it get?

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